Mar 07, 2007 21:08
Well, someone came to Kaitlyn's birthday party and decided to give half of us a nasty nasty virus! The FLU! We weren't the first victims, but we're still fighting it. Tuesday, Kaitlyn came down with it. She had a fever all that day and the next. On Wednesday, it got up to 104.4. Scary, but not hospital level (my niece is at the hospital right now with over 105 fever - she got it from someone else though cause she's in Alabama). We fought back with Tylenol and warm/cool baths. She didn't get her year shots at the doctor's visit because she had a fever. On Thursday, I started feeling really bad. I was really cold (even with it being over 70 in the house) and achy. I believe I posted about that.
Friday, I came down with a fever. Kaitlyn still had a fever. I had to call Jared home because I just couldn't handle 2 kids and the flu. One who already had the flu, too. Jared was the only one I could ask to help. Everyone else who would normally help wouldn't have been able to because they were pregnant, or related to the pregnant lady (who had the baby today!). I couldn't expose them to this virus so close to delivery. Although, my friend was very kind and brought me her WONDERFUL chicken noodle soup and left it outside for us (or gave it to Caleb...I'm not sure because I was sleeping upstairs).
I was supposed to go to a belly dancing performance on Friday and/or Saturday and couldn't because I was still running a fever all day Saturday. Thankfully, kaitlyn's had broke by then. I was very weak and achy ALL weekend.
Monday, Jared's birthday, I finally got out of the house around 4pm so I could have something to give him on his birthday and he could have something to eat. I was back home before 6 and completely drained. I did get him a nice bottle of bourbon, though and I partook of that to try to help the cough that was getting worse. No fever on Sunday or Monday, though.
Tuesday, I was still really tired, but I got out of the house and took the kids to the park to sit in the sunshine.
Today, I had more energy, although still a cough and a little stuffed nose (seems the flu is turning into a cold now) but it's a good thing, because it was a full and hectic day. First, I got up to Jared having a fever. Great....he's got the flu now. He was kind enough to still take Caleb to school so I could get Kaitlyn and Chloe ready to go. CHloe was going to Petsmart to get bathed because she was going to Caleb's school for Pet Day. After dropping Chloe off, I had to take Kaitlyn to the pediatrician for her make up shots. When we finished there, we went back to pick Chloe up and headed to Caleb's school. As soon as I pulled in, the teachers on the playground told me to run in and see Mrs. K., Caleb's teacher. I thought it was about Pet Day, so left Chloe and Kaitlyn in the car, since I was coming right back out....wrong....I walked into the school and saw one of the co-directors with a phone in their hand. She was trying to call me! She pointed into Caleb's classroom and when I got in there, I see Caleb just crying and screaming and the director and Caleb's teacher working on his face. He had blood all over. It was on his face, his hands and clothing. They were trying to clean a profusely bleeding wound over his left eye. After the initial shock and exclamation (no not swearing), I came over and tried to calm him down. I was a rock! He still screamed but I put him in my lap and held him. Then we took him into the bathroom and let him look...that was a mistake. He was freaking out because of the blood (I thought he'd think it was cool...boys like blood and guts, right?) But, he let me clean him up a little and was a little better about it. He didn't want the ice on his wound but after his teacher gave him a lollipop, he calmed down and was fine while I was holding him. Someone went out to bring Kaitlyn in and Chloe was completely fine with that. So Kaitlyn got to play while Caleb had attention...then Kaitlyn realized Caleb was getting attention she wasn't, and tried to climb into my lap too. So she was brought elsewhere to play and get lots of loving. I had to get Chloe out so someone else took over cuddling Caleb. He was fine once he got to show off his dalmation to his classmates. They were coming in around this time.
So...we come home because the doctor's were closed for lunch. His wound would clot up, but then once it was brushed against, or cleaned, it'd start bleeding again. His hair, which has needed cutting for a couple of weeks, kept getting into the blood, starting to dry there, then pulling the clot away when it was moved. At 2, I finally got ahold of the pediatrician office and they had me bring him in. I cut his bangs first, though. Hair still needs cut, but the bangs were above his wound now (which is still bleeding).
We get there about 3pm...approximately 3 hours after it happens. he's fine with it...until they start to clean it. FREAK OUT again! Screaming and crying. It doesn't help that they got soap in his eye. (Oh, forgot to mention, I was able to leave Kaitlyn at home to nap since Jared was sick at home. I am actually kind of grateful he had a fever and had to stay home as sad as that sounds!). They cleaned the wound and looked at it. Small, but deep. A wonderful doctor (who I hadn't met yet but had heard great things about) came in and checked Caleb out. healthy boy but for the head wound. They decided it didn't need stitches, but would need some glue. You would have thought they were going to try to cut the head off for all the noise Caleb was making! It didn't help that the doctor's finger started to dry to Caleb's head! Anyway...after it was all done Caleb was able to pick out some stickers and then had shake at McD's. Not a bad ending. he had to have some pain reliever tonight, but I know he'll be fine.
I can't seem to stop coughing, though :(
And dad is done with his endoscopy but no results and still don't know when his surgery is.
Tonight I had to take care of 3 kids. A girl who's still recovering from the flu and who had shots today. A boy who was traumatized and a husband who now has the flu...and me....who is finally so worn out that she's probably made a ton of spelling and grammatical mistakes and almost doesn't care.
But hey...I updated. Aren't you proud of me!
So those of you who asked about my family's health...there it is in a nutshell....or maybe a decide...
sick family