Sometimes you do get paid!

Nov 13, 2006 13:28

Being a Mother is often times a thankless job. You're on the clock 24/7 with very little time off. The jobs you do are never ending. There's always a dish to wash, a diaper to change, a tear to wipe, a mouth to feed, etc. When you think you're done, it's begun all over again. The job of motherhood is a very tiring job with only a few rewards here and there. A smile, a laugh, a little voice saying, "I love you Mommy." Those are very appreciated, but often as not don't feel like rewards or a payment.

But then you get a little something extra. Something that does make it all worth it.

Not too long ago today, I sat down on my daughter's floor with my son by my side, my daughter crawling around exploring and a book in hand. "Are You My Mother" was the choice of book my son had given me. I began to read. I put emphasis on certain words, I got into character and I read. At one point, I think I was making some kind of face while quoting the little bird who was trying to find his Mother. I happened to catch my son watching me as I read, and not the book. I looked over and he looked at me and said "You are the BEST Reader in life!" and then he reached over and gave me a big hug. I actually had to stop reading and it took me two tries, and kisses, to say thank you to him and begin again. He made my day and made being a stay at home worth is once again.

Take time with the ones you love and you'll receive love in abundance!


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