mirry crampus

Dec 20, 2011 16:49

I'm not going home for Christmas.

- The car is acting weird. In addition to the shaky, threatening-to-fall-off-again exhaust, the rear driver's side wheel STICKS when we brake, and the front passenger wheel SKIDS when we accelerate. We're afraid that it's something to do with the calipers or the rotors. We have neither time, nor money to take it to a shop or get parts to fix it, and the weather hasn't been good enough to work on it.
- Mom isn't even bothering to come home from DC. No. Just, no. I'm never comfortable around my family alone. I love Mom's brothers dearly, but I don't have anything in common with my cousins, their kids are spoiled hyperactive brats, and my aunt's family are snobs. Being around them only serves to remind me that I am an entree-mooching burden, and slovenly, degree-less, plebeian trash with weird hair. Also right now there is some kind of cousin's-wife-might-be-cheating drama that I have no opinion on and DO NOT want to be involved in.
- None of my friends really care. Not true. Stop it, depression.
- We don't have anywhere to stay, no one is expecting us, and we definitely do not have the extra $200 it would cost for a weekend at a motel.

Last time we went down for Christmas:

- We had no place to sleep. Because in spite of having WEEKS of notice, my stepdad couldn't be arsed to take an hour or so and clean the basement bedroom enough for us to at least have a bed to sleep on. Their couch is three suede recliners covered in cat puke and hair. Not comfortable, and he only bothered to clean two of the three seats, and acted pissy about having to give up "his" living room space for a couple of days. IF YOU HAD CLEANED THE BEDROOM OUT WE WOULDN'T HAVE BEEN IN YOUR WAY.
- The Car Debacle, stranding us for a day and leaving us without a vehicle for 9 months.
- My house had been broken into. Nothing was stolen or broken, but the window was hanging wide open for who knows how long.

So, yeah. Not a lot of incentive to go home. Liz misses me and by extension, the rest of Casa Dysfunctional would probably like if I visited. Melissa (and new babby) would be glad to see me. Also Heather cares, but her husband just tried to kill himself (I wish I were joking), so she's kind of occupied but would probably hang out for a while. The Jennifers might even make time for me. But with nowhere to stay and uncertain car conditions, I...really don't want to risk the trip. I don't want to be stuck car-less for another year.


complaaaaaints, xmas, cry moar, depression, mopey, bawww

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