(no subject)

May 20, 2011 18:15

Doctors appointment tomorrow morning early, early. I am nervous about requesting tests. I just hope she can take my word for all the symptoms and perhaps draw some conclusion other than "Lose weight". Because losing weight will totes make my skin stop itching and my mustache disappear and my nails will stop peeling and I'll instantly stop feeling like shit all the time. Also I will magically be able to finance healthy eating habits! And exercise will be effortless and I'll totally want to do it!


Edit: The Aftermath.
Doctor ordered some blood tests, including a metabolic panel and a few other things. Since the swelling and symptoms are what she called "global" instead of restricted to certain areas or accompanied by joint pain, she wants to rule out the obvious biggies: Thyroid problems and Diabetes, before giving me diuretics. She was pretty certain that "nothing terrible is wrong" with me, but won't know for certain till the bloodwork comes back.

The scale jumped up to over 300 pounds and I died a little inside. Then the nurse told me my blood pressure was high. Uh, yeah, my blood pressure is high because I'm now 200 pounds overweight, doctors make me nervous and you're squeezing my arm really hard, after I just had to HOIST my fat ass up on to the table because you forgot to take the stair out. Hrmph.

daily life, doctor teim

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