(no subject)

Sep 06, 2009 02:19

Nothing we do is fixing our increasingly worse computer problems. The Windows system restore disks refuse to recognize the hard drive. The Ubuntu disk refuses to install anything to any HD we hook up, so we're stuck running a slow, buggy live version from a DVD, JUST to be able to use the internet.

I have NO IDEA when the second installment of my student loans will show up, or when I'll be able to put together a decent machine.

This whole mess is because of me and my stupid old laptop HD. It seems to be so infected with...I dunno, COMPUTER EBOLA, that even ESET Nod32 virus software can't handle it.It'd get halfway through a scan and just shut the whole system down, like it was having a heart attack. It killed a Linux machine. What the hell, seriously. I'd take it somewhere to have it cleaned, but for all I know it's really Skynet and I'll be responsible for the downfall of man. Also, there's a lot of anime porn. :|

I doubt that sort of thing is very shocking to an IT guy. In fact, they probably EXPECT porn of some kind from personal computers.

If I could just bring myself to part with all my crap, I'd just nuke everything and start over. But I can't. I just...can't. The reasoning is completely histrionic and selfish.

School happened a lot sooner than I thought it would. I HAVE been trying to work on your commissions, but I'm mostly just sketching out ideas on notebook paper to get a feel for what I'm doing. I will have SOMETHING to show both of you by the end of next week, I promise.

fail, wtf, compy, woes

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