And the Grand Finale!

Jul 17, 2010 22:24

So, on Tuesday, I decided to buy myself an earlier birthday present. Thursday night, I went to Indy to a concert. No, that's not the right word for it. It was an event.

Never before have I felt so loved, accepted, important and even beautiful. And that was all thanks to our host of the Ball. It was the Monster Ball and she was a real lady.

Yeah, my seat was that awesome.

She was incredible. She's beautiful. Not as thin as I had imagined. She changed an insane amount of times. The opening band was meh, but she made up for it. She took the stage promptly at 9:00 PM and finished a little after 11:00. No real breaks. Just little video vignettes between set changes. She was all out the entire time.

I have been to seven fantastic shows in the past 15 months. The Killers are always great. Franz Ferdinand rocked my socks (and gifted me this icon). Snow Patrol was fun. Muse was everything I heard about them and more. Last year, I can fairly say seeing Coldplay changed my life. Gaga made me feel like my life was important. I know it's weird to say, but she can make anyone feel wonderful. She uses her powers good at least.

If you want to see all my pics (all 180 of them), click here. I haven't uploaded the videos yet.

And now to spend the next few days playing catch up. My inbox for email is insane at the moment. Not even going to try to catch up the flist.

girl crush, photo-a-week, gaga, music

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