As I was saying

Jul 17, 2010 14:35

I was/am sick. It's still the same thing that's been around since the end of December. I brought a laundry list of issues. Determined what I've long suspected, I have IBS but there's not much that can be done about it except avoid the foods that cause the most issues. There was a possibility of thyroid issues (which there weren't). So blood was taken. That was an adventure. I had a vein blow. The nurse said it was going to bruise. I don't bruise easily so I thought it would be no big thing.

The first nurse tried twice and the next nurse got it right away. Still, had a bruise in my left elbow, back of the right hand (where the blood actually came out) and on my right forearm. I looked like an abused drug addict. The major one finally faded almost a month later.

Here it is in it's glory.

My favorite part is the fact the area where the needle went in isn't bruised at all. And yes, it hurt.

photo-a-week, me

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