Picture with a Story

Feb 13, 2010 17:29

This week, I'm sort of cheating and using a screen shot. It's one that I made though! I say that totally counts.

So, my default icon I use everywhere a profile picture is needed. Here, Facebook and Twitter. In case you don't know what/who it is: it's the Pets.com sock puppet. (Click here or here to see the some of the ads.)

Now, these ads were done by a couple of members of The State, one of my favorite comedy troupes. One of the three Michaels of the group (Michael Patrick Jann) preferred to be behind the camera and he directed the spots. The puppet itself was voiced by Michael Ian Black (Michael Showalter is the other one).

As a complete gag gift, my grandma gave me one of the mass produced puppets for my birthday in 2000. She gave it too me early and I took him to Convention with me. He became a complete hit. Gentle takes him from me at the beginning of the week and I'm lucky to see him again before the end of it. I sometimes think if I forgot to bring him, they'd send me home to get him.

Meanwhile, I've watched soaps my entire life. Back in the day, I watched The City and loved the character Jocelyn. The actress who played her is named Lisa LoCicerogh. She now plays one half of my favorite pair on General Hospital: Olivia (Johnny being her other half).

Lisa is married to Michael Patrick Jann. Thereby proving she has excellent taste both on and off screen. I follow her (and Brandon Barash who plays Johnny) on Twitter. They are really good friend off screen as well. The other night they were both sleep deprived and started having a hilarious back and forth on Twitter, which I read the next morning.

Later in the day she got on and apologized for their behavior. I wrote her (not thinking about who she is married to) saying it was funny and there was nothing to apologize for.

Okay, so all of that leads to this, her response (she responded!):

And if that doesn't count, here's Grey and Cassie just so enthused during the Opening Ceremonies last night.

kitties, photo-a-week, scl

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