My Birthday Story

Oct 16, 2008 09:29

On the morning of my birthday, I went to church and I waited in the gusty wind for the priest to give me a birthday blessing. It was worth the wait! He said the most beautiful blessing and it really made me feel at peace. After he gave me a blessing, I walked out the church and a homeless woman was waiting outside the church door. At first I didn't think she was waiting for me but then she started to follow me to my car. It was really windy so all that was on my mind was to get in my car. Then I heard her say, "Miss, I am sorry but do you have spare change?" I heard her and turned around. "I really am homeless," she said," I've lost everything." I didn't feel as scared or compelled to get in my car. I reached in my purse and pulled out three dollar bills and one of the bills slipped out of my hand and flew away in the wind. I wanted to dart in the middle of the street and chase after the dollar bill, lol. I think God wanted me to live past my 24th birthday so I just let the dollar bill flow in the wind. The homeless lady said, "That's okay. If I find it I'll know it was from you." She smiled as I handed her the two dollar bills. She said "Thank you. I know that God has always been there for me. I'm going through a hard time right now but I know he'll get me through this." I asked her name and she said her name was Terry. I told her, "Today is my birthday and I will pray for you. I hope my wish comes true." I gave her a hug and she said, "Thank you and God bless you. Happy Birthday." I told her that she will get through this.

It amazed me that this poor homeless woman still had faith despite everything she has gone through. The least I could do was talk to her like a human being.

Listen to God and let him into your heart. Let go and let him take control...just like that dollar bill that flew out of my hand this morning. I know that dollar bill will be found by someone who really needs it too. Did I mention, I found a dollar bill on the same street a couple of weeks ago? I know that things do not happen by accident. They happen for a reason--and the reason is for the best.
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