Band Quiz

Aug 23, 2006 08:41

List ten bands in any order.

1. Marilyn Manson
2. Cradle Of Filth
3. Korn
4. Slipknot
5. NIN
6. AFI
7. Static-X
8. Stone Sour
9. Murder Dolls
10. Dimmu Borgir

Favorite song by 6: The Leaving Song Pt2.

How did you get into 9: Read about them in kerrang and saw Joey was in it so decided to check em out.

Who is the best looking member of 3: Jonathan mmmm yummy.

Best memory of 4: Hmmm thats a tough one, well it would have to be going from hating them to loving them without even realising it, if that makes any sense.

A friend that likes 10: No one.

Do you own 2's cd: Of course I do, I have them all.

How did 7 get their name:No idea, never even thought about it.

Favorite video from 8:

How long have you liked 1: Rofl, liked, no no no, OBSESSED for 4 years, my fave an

How many cds do you own by 5: about 7, but don't listen to a couple as they are remix ablums and I'm not keen on them.

Do 8 and 9 have anything in common: Slipknot members

Do 3 and 10 have anything in common: nope different style, different country, male singers is about all.

Do 1 and 5 have anything in common: marilyn mandon and trent reznor, do I need to say anymore?

A friend that likes 2: Lee

A friend that hates no 1: most of them.

How many times have you seen 9 live: 0

How many times have you seen 7 live: 0

How many times have you seen 1 live: are you trying to make me cry? 0

Favorite member of 2: Dani

Do you have any merch from 9: no, I don't think a magazine cutting on my wall counts.

What if 4 toured with 5: They are very different, maybe if Slipknot only did the sublmiminal versus then maybe.

First song you heard by 8: cant remember wasnt keen on their first album so dimissed it really.

Favorite song by 3: Here to stay, the first song i ever heard, that song got me into MUSIC.

Which is your favorite of these: Marilyn Manson of course.

Least favorite: Stone Sour, I'm still getting used to Corey being mellow.
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