strange things about me

Dec 12, 2005 16:02

- people who usually end up being my best friends i hated when i first met them
- i have never spent more than 20 days in the city in the summer. in my whole life.
- i am obsessed with grocery shopping. i love it.
- i hate people who hate Rent
- i have a ridiculous amount of photos of myself at every possible angle
- i have boys. not boyfriends. not relationships. boys.
- i have PILES of photos of my self, but almost none with me and my friends
- i have three birthmarks in a triangle on my right arm that was on my moms chest bone before i was born..but now is mysteriously gone ..and i have it
- i often put my eye make up on before i put on foundation
- i detest brocolli stalks, but love the flower part
- i hate wearing colored clothing unless its a tank top under a black shirt, underwear, shoes, or a purse.
- when i find something i like such as a song, i will listen to it continously until i hate it. and then i will force it upon other people
- i always feel like i need to make shortbread cookies when its snowing. its unnacceptable to make them when its not snowing
- i hate mushrooms. except when eaten in pinewood mushroom burgers. other than that i will not eat them.
- i won't eat chicken that i cooked. i used to. but not anymore. if someone else cooks it for me i'll eat it. something to do with my knowing its previous state i.e. raw.
- before i bought my car i told my dad i refused to buy a white car or a sunfire. i own a white sunfire.
- i hate all msn shortened words. lol, rofl, lmao all send me into a mad rage
- i've never had a nickname that stuck. not a single one.
- my eye twitches a lot apparently. but i've never seen it happen
- i like to think i live my life by the terms of Sex and the City and my personality is somehow a total mix of all 4 of the characters.
- i pick out perfume in the morning like most people pick out clothes. its a long and arduous decision
- i get bored of purses and get a new one approximatly every two months, but keep all the old ones for memories sake.
- i never handwrite and i never print i have developed the perfect mix of the two.
- i tend to obsess about things until its over, or something different comes along, for example. was obsessed with Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire..until i saw Rent. now i love Rent. i haven't seen a movie to top Rent yet.
- naming animals after other animals is by far the best thing ever. a girl told me she named her kitten Pickeral and i thought it was the greatest thing ever
- i love stupid tv shows like Wife Swap and Airline
- i really aspire to be a domestic housewife when i'm older
- i have worn the exact same color nail polish on my toe nails since june. i have bought many since but silver is the only color i ever wear on my toes.
- i really hate feet. same with knees. they weird me out.
- when my voice was slightly hushed and raspy when i was getting over my cold i wished it would stay that way forever cause i liked the way it sounded
- when i'm not sick sometimes i wish i was sick
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