
Jul 12, 2007 19:16

Your Score: The Mouse

Here's your results! Your spirit animal has a Nobility ranking of 6 out of 18.

Your spirit animal is the mouse. Mice represent the lowest of the noble spirits. There are many worse (ignoble) spirit animals to have than the mouse, but you still have much room for improvement. The mouse is small and meek, and except for being cute and having a great love of cheese, they demonstrate nothing remarkable. As a spirit animal, they are not very common.

***Wondering how this animal was chosen for you? These questions were carefully thought out to see how important you hold certain virtues such as: humanism, self-knowledge, rationalism, the love of freedom and other somewhat Hellenic ideals. Some of the questions were very subtle. Your score was then matched with an animal of corresponding nobility. However, you shouldn't think this was a right/wrong sort of test, but more of an idealistic values test. It's ok to not hold these values, you'll just get an animal spirit of lower stature if you do!***
Link: The What is Your Spirit Animal Test written by FindingEros on OkCupid Free Online Dating, home of the The Dating Persona Test

Well Alright O_O. At least I'm cute XD
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