Jan 30, 2005 18:34
freshman make me laugh.... actually people in general make me laugh
last week i just hated people in general
i bugs me that i am more mature and more responsible than some adults...
i don't understand why people can't, no, won't take responsibilty, why they have to whine constantly, why they won't just do what they need to do, or why adults act so stupid/irresonsible/untrustworthy/rude and then blame teenagers because we are disrespecting them...
personally, i think respect is something you have to earn, and i think adults/older people than me think that they deserve it just beacuse they're older...
it bothers me that adults give teens a bad name... but i have one question for them.. who are we learning from??? we are learning from them... how to not have manners in restaurants, that its acceptable to back-talk and not respect other, that everything in the world revolves around money, materialistic possesions, individual wants... basically to be narcisstic
whatever happned to the ten commandments, the golden rule, respect, peace... what is happening to our society?? i just want to escape from this place, but there's no where to go... it's like a horrible epidemic that's contaminating the human race, spreading all over the world..
anyway... that's just my ramble for the day...