grr... arg!

Feb 06, 2006 20:50

its time for me to move away from downtown. i mean, ive been thinking about it for a while, especially since my new car doesnt get as good gas mileage as my old one. but last weekend settled it. someone actually tried to break in to my car! not burglarize it, like has happened in the past when i left it unlocked (the old one). but they tried to break the window! lucky for me it shattered, but didnt break. so i still have my car, and so far the window hasnt fallen out. im getting it fixed ASAP, obviously... but geez! ive never had anything maliciously damaged like that before! so that seals the deal, its time NOW to move. but oh, the hassle! the packing, and cleaning, and packing, and organizing, and cleaning... and i just dont have time to do it. cuz i seem to have no free time, im always at work. so on my days off, all i have energy for is... wait, what am i talking about? i have NO energy on my days off. i dont know how in the world im going to get the whole house cleaned, organized, and packed in 3 weeks... or rather 2 hours a nite for the next 3 weeks. and thats not counting taking a day off to get the whole kit'n'kaboodle moved, that is After i find a new apartment. and we all know how long finding the rite place can take.
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