interest meme-thing

Nov 16, 2005 02:27

LJ Interests meme results

  1. batman:
    seeing the new movie reminded me of the long-standing crush ive always had on the show/characters/'verse
  2. dogma (the movie):
    what can i say, one of the best movies of all time!
  3. fantasy:
    meaning the entire genre of fantasy, anything fantasy related. i love being swept into another world where magic is real... (sigh)
  4. haruchai:
    from the thomas covenant series, which i NEED to reread... consequently its kind of difficult to describe them :/
  5. long hair:
    mine, and other ppls. i Love long hair on guys, and i love having my long hair brushed :D
  6. numerology:
    even more fascinating to me than astrology or tarot, since ive always been good w/numbers.
  7. religious tolerance:
    most major religions are so similar,their followers should quit squabling over the minor petty differences
  8. spokane:
    well, ive lived here for most of my life, guess i have to say ive gone native :P LOL
  9. thrift stores:
    :D best places to shop, no contest!
  10. wrinkle in time:
    the books by madeline l'engle, always been a favorite of mine :)

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