(no subject)

Apr 09, 2014 21:02

Grandma passed away yesterday afternoon.  My dad was with her; she was sleeping peacefully and slipped away.  She's no longer in any pain, and I'm sure she's hootin' and hollerin' with all the other Okie angels in heaven.  She's pretty fantastic at hootin' and hollerin', and she did not believe in Holding Your Applause Until the End.  If there was ever someone you wanted in your corner in an audience, it was Grandma.

I'm not going home until the end of May.  Dad and his siblings decided to wait and hold a memorial service next month.  It will really be a big family reunion because several members of the Oklahoma family will be coming out.  I should be able to take a week of bereavement so there will be lots of time to enjoy at home.

And I'm doing all right now.  Sunday and Monday were emotional and foggy and numb -- not knowing what was happening then knowing it was bad then waiting for it to be over and feeling guilty for wanting it to be over but knowing that everything be over was the only painless option.  (Grandma was diagnosed with COPD with no curative treatment options, and she didn't want to live on tubes so Sunday's hospital stay became hospice.)  I was home from work and waking up from a nap when Dad called to tell me she was gone yesterday.  I'm calm and grateful she's not suffering anymore, and while I wish I could give my parents a hug, I'm really glad to be able to spend a chunk of time at home soon.  There will be times when it hurts to the ends of the earth (ie, whenever I remember that Grandma will never be at my wedding), but I'm glad that won't be all the time.  She would have none of that, and I want to be like her.

Thanks for your hugs and kindness, folks.
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