I ran 10K today.
The Victoria Times-Colonist 10K. Not that much, I know, but considering I haven't "gone running" in about a year (I run for playing ultimate, of course, but that's totally different) I think my finish time of 1:17 was pretty good, even better since I'm not completely exhausted as a result.
Being a rookie, I managed to forget to bring my race number and my shoe tag with me in my rush to catch the first bus of the morning, so I'm not on the official results, or identified in any of the photos. That's okay though. I was running with a friend, so I know how we did.
Finishing my minor revisions today, after enjoying a nice long nap. I also ended up doing well in anatomy class this semester. Yay me! Being done school hasn't really sunk in yet. I'm sure it will when my student bus pass stops working, when I can't buy my student-priced gym membership, and when I stop being able to take advantage of student standby pricing. Le sigh. At least I have a job, and a sweet tax return coming my way.
I must say, I'm quite excited that summer is almost here. Quieter time at work, beautiful weather, ultimate tournaments, and of course my trip to Leipzig. Mental note: learn to ask where the bathroom is in German.