Aug 09, 2006 10:15
This weekend was groovy. I went shopping on Friday, Saturday and Sunday and got a total of 5 shirts, one pair of slacks and one pair of tennis shoes. I am quite satisfied seeing how I have not gone shopping in months. Friday night I went to Mare's phot exihibit, which was quite cool. I always wanted to go to a fance artsy thing. I would do it again, I would, I would. Then Sarah, Jeff, Candilario, Andrea, Mare and I had dinner at Chuy's. The Cilantro Ranch dressing was delicious.Then on Saturday night, Keyana, Roel and I went to the Asian American Church of Houston for an event called "Aroma, A coffehouse experience" It was sooo cool and relaxing. When we walked in the greeter asked if we knew anyone and I laughed and so no. She said welcome anyway and grab some food and enjoy. Well we certainly did! We were already full from Hunan Plus and Tapioca House. Long story short I saw Hilary Patuwo and we all had fun listening to live music, testimonies, and playing cards with Hilary and her friends. It was an awesome, fun-filled, Christian night!
Hopefully this weekend will also be fun. Any suggestions on where to eat afterwards?