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May 16, 2005 13:01

What a great weekend :)

On Saturday, the most spectacular rainbow ever hung on the horizon behind our house for a good 20 minutes - it was so wide and dark, almost like a billboard hanging above the trees. We sat looking at it for a while until the sun slowly set and it faded away. I love it out there, the sky feels so big and I feel like we have room to breathe and grow...sometimes I just sit and gaze out the window and daydream, content with life and my surroundings.

We visited a nursery to check out trees and shrubs - our neighborhood association has strict landscaping requirements, so starting fresh is a big job. We already have a few boulevard trees that the association planted, and there are 3 pine trees that separate our back yard from the soccer field, but other than that our yard is a blank canvas. I'm thinking lots of color - red maples, bright flowers, maybe honeycrisp apple trees (they're my favorite apples and I saw them at the nursery!) I also love birch and oak trees, so we're going to continue researching and meet with a designer to figure out what will work best in our soil.

My friend Rachel had her baby on Thursday night, so we went out on Friday after work to see them at the hospital. He is such an angel! His name is Zachary and he is absolutely beautiful...totally jump started the "I want a baby!" feelings, but the timing is not right for us so I just enjoyed holding him for the time being. I love babies, but seriously - he's one of the most beautiful I've ever seen.

What else? Oh yeah, Mark's parents wanted to see Napoleon Dynamite and I wanted to see it again, so that's what we did Saturday night. They crack me up. They LOVED it! No surprise where Mark's sense of humor came from :)
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