[There are two trolls wandering the mansion, knocking on certain doors with small stacks of hand-drawn invitations bundled in their arms.]
:33 < this is the best idea ever!!
:33 < especially after all the weird purrivate eye stuff that happened.
:33 < *ac still has newspaper ink all over her paws*
:33 < hey feferi
:33 < how come we cant invite the
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Apparently it's some rule of slumber parties t)(at boys can't come
Alt)(oug)( it does seem s)(ellfis)( to keep all the fun for ourselves.
:33 < if it wasnt a rule i would invite kar-
:33 < i mean
:33 < everyone fun to the party!!
We will make it t)(at way.
And maybe we can glub with t)(e boys anot)(er time soon.
:33 < some of the boys here are scary :((
:33 < but im sure deep down inside they are harmless kittens.
:33 < i wonder if they have their own kind of slumber party???
W)(o )(as been scaring you?
I'll sort t)(e glubber out!
I'm not s)(ore if t)(ey do t)(oug)(
Maybe we s)(ould ask t)(em!
:33 < but i think he means well
:33 < hes friends with karkat! so thats a good thing
:33 < maybe we can ask souji, or that other human you were telling me about!
Or Souji
But I will ask Aki)(iko and maybe )(e can eeluminate w)(et)(er boys )(ave slumber parties
:33 < this is the best, were learning so many interesting de-tails about humans here!!
I )(ope lots of people come to our party too!
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