(no subject)

Oct 13, 2008 00:37

I just read it and find it hilarious... too bad I didn't do 13 lol
13 ways to Prove you're in Love with harry Potter

1. You actually tried throwing baby powder into the fireplace to see if the flames turn green

2. When you were home alone you tried to spin while chanting Destination, determination and delliberation to apparate

3. You actually tried playing quidditch by mounting a toy broom from a 2nd grade witch costume and chucking random ping pong and tennis balls at your brother

4. You said Wingardium Leviosa while trying to throw a ball upwords towards your brother

6. You said Reparo while pointing a pencil at a broken vase

7. You nearly had a heart attack when your mom was reading book 2 outloud and said "Mudblood"

8. You always hop the 3rd last step on your staircase pretending it's the vanishing step

9. You call your brother peeves when he's annoying

10. You look in the mirror of your room while thinking about your desires

11. You threw little brown-furtilizer things at your friends saying that they are Dungbombs

12.You have gone to every midnight harry Potter Launch dressed up

13. You stayed up all night on the day of your eleventh birthday waiting for an owl and you're still waiting because you know that there's no way that you're a muggle! The stupid owl probably got LOST or something.

harry potter

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