Jan 05, 2007 14:52
I never write when I'm in a good mood so I thought I'd give it a shot.
Things are good. I'm in MN and that kind of sucks because I miss the guy I've been seeing for awhile. It's working though we've had an open relations for awhile so the only thing that really sucks now is that we can't just chill together all the time like we used to. Oh but I miss him... and I know he misses me. August is an exciting future because hopefully I should be moving back to Milwaukee to go to Graduate school in Sociology and move back it with the boy. I did well on my Graduate Record Exam so I think after that I'll be trying to get my PhD. April is also exciting because I'm going to Barcelona the first week. My dad is living there a few months so my brother and I are going to visit him the boy is also coming. I'm really excited! I had a great holiday season I couldn't have asked for anything better, time with the family, time with the boy and a fun New Years with my bro in Madison taking the 12 bar challenge (I pussed out at #9 at 3:30am). So, all is well!