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Jun 12, 2005 19:32


lauren came over on friday wooohoo! so me, her, kayla and ainsley all went up to custard corner and got way yummy ice cream mmmm... lol then we came back and critiqued everyone in the year book (except us duh). yep then we went on the tramp watched some movies and tv, made some noodles played cards, yada yada yada good times lol goood times

saturday- uh... oh yeah opened the pool so it will be open for MY PARTY!!!!! so yeah that took a while but it was fun

sunday- went to my cousins party. lots of little kids. lol then came home, had a cookie, and started making katlynnes cd. again. lol

tomorrows cedar point are u excited im soooooooooo excited!!! i bought a camera and everything. to bad i have to wake up at 5:30 ewwww. im listening to this song and i swear i heard it on this skateboard video game i have. lol. anyway at least mr carlton buying me STARBUCKS!!!!!!!! thats a plus. its cuz i got an A+ on his test. go me and kayleigh!

anyway tuesday is the last day of school!!!!!!! omg i never thought i could be so excited i have to say this was one LONG year. but yeah its also the day of my party!!!! yay! gonna be so much fun....

well thats all for being excited sorry bout all the different colors and sizes im too lazy to fix the size thing and im too excited to only use one color


i hate my little mood man by the way im gonna change him as soon as im not lazy
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