*~These are kisses of mercy~*

Jan 13, 2005 20:55

*~This week was so much fun! Oh My GoOdNeSs! On tuesday  sarah, joel, luk, sarah's dad and i went to snowbowl. On the way there her add brother repeated napoleon dynamite and sang the happy hands club song "you loveeee is like a rainbowwww", he sounds exactly like pedro which is sorta strange since this kid is like whiteeeee and he sounds like totally mexican. We finally got in to flagstaff and started to drive up the mountain when we started to slide all over the road because of the ice and almost hit a tree and on coming traffic, so we had to go back down into town and get chains. Once we got up to the lodge we found out only the sunset lift was open (it only services the blue run = more difficult) So poor sarah and her brothers had to walk up and down the bunny slope for 2 hours for their snowboarding lesson. While they were doing that her dad and i did 6 runs down, which was pretty darn good considering it was snowing so bad you couldn't see farther than like 10 ft in front of you. After that we went and met for lunch and by then it was snowing CrAzY hard and it was So0o0o0o0 cold. Her dad decided that we would take them down sunset, so off we went on to the chair lift, which was about the time that sarah caused a 12 person pile up getting off because she fell and pulled me down producing a domino effect for atleast 4 chairs.  The ski patrol got a little angry, but oh well it was amusing. Sarah did amazingly good for her first time and caught on super fast, so we were able to do 3 more runs before it got way to winding. During that time there was a minor avalanche "sarah there are huge chunks of snow flying at my face....", i almost fell off the chair lift, our hair turned into one big icey ball, and sarah ate it and hurt her jaw. We walked back to the lodge and on the way in we passed these two drunk guys who said we looked like blue fluffy polar bears and we looked really yummmyyyy, which was hilariously funny. On the way home sarah and i feared for our life because her dad likes to think he's a race car driver and sarah grew kinda angry due to un namable reasons.... On WeDnEsDaY nothing to big happened besides getting in another fun little argument with robert, ashley taught me the deep in the jungle dance, i had to go to ashies at 10:30 to pick up her pants, and learned that maybe my schedule is just a little to hectic. It's so sad that i have to mark down in my planner when im going to see my boyfriend. And then i got really depressed when i realized i won't be home for much of the summer and that's my most favorite time of the wholeeeee year. Today was the Deca competition at Mcc and that was a wonderful excuse to get out of school all day. Sarah, Laura, Brittany, Sara, and i did absolutely nothing most of the day and spent a total of 30mins actually doing our role plays. Mine was funny, i had to talk about opening a video rental service in a department store. Heck yes! I said we would have a CaRnIvAl! Oh what a good idea, i know! It got me a 2nd place out of my division out of like 60 people. Laura was a finalist for hers and so was sara. We are deca world champs girls! After school we dropped off brittany and i had a little nappy then went to dance and took awesome pictures for photo tomorrow. Oh boy i think im going to get an A, i'm excited!~*

*~Love ya lots darlings,

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