Dec 24, 2004 19:46
~*Well guys school is finally over, thank goodness! Finals weren't as bad as i thought they would be. Chemistry was easy, which was a relief for sarah and i since we studied our little bums off for over 8 hours. I love how winter break comes when you can't possibly stand to go to school for one more day, it's so refreshing!*~
~*This week has been busy busy! On tuesday after school i met laura SeLi at Ikea, which was pretty darn amusing. Next time we're eating in the food court, who doesn't like Swedish food... I left laura and had to drive like a cRaZy person home so i could make my photography appointment. I did that and came home and met seli again at taco bell. Sarah called for our little chem study session so i went home and finished up a few more note cards and went and studied with her dad for a longgggg time, unfortunately we didn't know much more than we did when we had started.*~
~* On Wednesday i got my schedule changed, which made me incredibly happy and pretty much made my whole year. I got out of tilley's class and never have to see hime again and changed into adv. photo which is going to be pretty interesting considering i took beginning over a year ago and can't remember AnYtHiNg... After school sarah and i went to mill and saw a lady having a conversation with herself and a guy who looked like that guy off of that 70's show, who wanted 83 cents for some kind of drug. We discovered some interesting books at urban outfitters and decided that when we get dorms we are buying everything from there. We then went to chandler mall and finished up some christmas shopping needs and i dropped sarah off. I went to target quick quick and picked up what i thought was the very last thing on my list and rushed home to have dinner with el family-o. Nicky called and came over and we decided to go pick up ashalee. Well let me tell you that was boring, we didn't do anything for 2 hours besides wishing we were doing something. He dropped us off at jon's and went to go rescue his girlfriend, it was pretty darn cute to see how worried he was about her. Now jon's house we so super fun! I love being around ashley! She seriously makes my day! While jon was eating dinner with his family ash and i discovered our old friend That caused some extremely funny conversations, i haven't laughed that hard in So0o0o long. We then left his house and met robert and brandon at Applebee's. The car ride there was also great, brad's shimmy, black girl dancing, and singing at the top of our lungs to songs we didn't know. The restaurant definitely was not as amusing as it could have been considering i got yelled at when i got home... But that only caused more laughter from ashie and i. "it's like a soap opera in my own bedroom, so exciting!"*~
~*On thursday morning i had to wake up super early to take ashley home and go to my appointment to review my pictures. They are so gosh darn pretty! I love them! I got home and had to go shopping with the mother. We did that whole shindig and i got this absolutely amazing idea to buy robert mice for christmas. So we went to the pet store and set up their whole little cage and picked out 2 little white feeder mice. I then proceeded to go to robert's house and got incredibly lost, so it took like an extra 20 minutes to get there, which was really rather aggravating. I gave him his christmas presents and the mice. His dad tried to feed them to their dog, not as funny as he thought it was. And guess what! This is the so SaD part... He talked to his mom and she freaked out....idiot... and said he couldn't have them. Now isn't that just a little bit A) rude B) depressing C) imiture and D) completely and utterly selfish! Yes, so she dropped a few notches on my liking list, for sure.... But it turned out to be ok because philipa and kenzy (my miceys) bring me some much amusement and they are the new loves of my life. Even though they are going to die within the next 2 sad. Robert gave me this absolutely beautiful necklace for christmas, which i love so much! And i had to leave to go and have dinner with the family. Sarah and Ashley then called and came over with jonikins and played with my new little pets. Brad came and we left and saw meet the fockers, which was well not as good as i expected, but it was still really funny. "You've been fockerized."*~
~*Today i was in a CrAzY cleaning mood and cleaned my room from top to bottom. Its so pretty now! The miceys have a new spot so i can watch them and i organized all of my drawers. It was really productive. Then i realized that i only clean like this when something's bothering me, at which point i discovered that i miss robert incredibly, which is so stupid considering he's gone for a total of 4 days. But i haven't seen him very much at all lately and i haven't been the nicest person... It amazes me that we're still together, since i'm such a bad girlfriend.... Gosh i LoVe that boy so much!*~
~* BrIaNnA*~