Nov 07, 2004 12:25
~*This weekend was good. Friday night i was sick so my mom wouldn't let me go to the game, but i ended up staying out all night anyways...enough said.... Saturday morning i had dance at 9am to clean up a bunch of things. After that i went and visited robert and jon again. I left and went home and went to the asu game with laura. We drove around mill and university for an hour since there was no where to park and the lot we were suppose to park in had a full sign. After driving for an hour we decided to go back to the full lot and found out we could have parked there the whole time. We then had to walk ArOuNd A mountain to find the parking lot matt was tailgating in. We found him and stayed there for an hour. We went into the game and watched it for a bit. Laura and i went to go get a drink and i kinda felt sick. Which is when the fun began.... I told laura i was going to faint and ended up doing that a few minutes later and now i have a HUGE bump on my forehead. The paramedics came and asked if we had been drinking like 10 times and laura was like nooo we're 17 we dont drink and they finally believed us and left....Ya know how when you're hurt or sick or something like that you want your parents.... well i didnt, the first person i thought of was robert, which to me seems kinda strange since i should have wanted to call my mom and dad, but i really only wanted to talk to him, probably because he makes me feel better and i love him sooooo much......Anyways back to my story, i got home and talked to gilbert, jon's little brother and went to bed and slept for like 15 hours. Then this morning my mom noticed the small horn on my face and asked what happened and she freaked out because i guess i wasnt suppose to have slept or something because i may have had a concussion, ohhhh welllll. So now my dad wants me to go to the doctor and find out if something is wrong with my nothing was wrong with it before.....*~
~*Yesterday is but a dream, and tomorrow is only a vision, but today well lived makes every yesterday a dream of happiness and every tomorrow a vision of hope.*~
~*Happiness comes of the capacity to feel deeply, to enjoy simply, to think freely, to risk life, to be needed.*~
~*A big shot is a little shot that kept shooting.*~
~*Hold a true friend with both your hands*~
~*It is better to have loved and lost then to have never loved at all*~
~*Love you always and forever,