A tad about me

Aug 07, 2005 22:15

First best friend: you guys know who you are ;-)
First job: technically babysitter, but like a "real" job I worked at Discount Tire as a Maintanence tech.
First screen name: I don't remember, I think it was BetheButter, but I believe I had one before
First self purchased album: N'sync
First crush: Drew Leeper, K-5th grade
First piercing: My ears at 4
First big trip: It depends what you consider big, I guess California when I was little and i still go there, but the first BIG trip was the summer of 2004, I was 17 and I went to Europe, now that's BIG!!
First play/musical/performance: Billy Idol, when I was just a baby and I still LOVE him to this day!
First funeral: I thank you God, never been to one, and I pray not for a very very very long time
First enemy: Monkey mouth, Krystal, my grade school enemy


Last car ride: Yesterday
Last bus ride: Wow, uhhh in 2003
Last good cry: Sometime in May
Last library book: I can't seem to remember the name but it is about this lady who leads different lives because she feels she's not getting out of life what she could and she runs from all of her fears. Excellent book and I read it for a book test for my senior lit class, in which I got a 100% on! Yay!
Last movie seen: It's a mad mad mad world (one of my favorites! It's the original of Rat Race)
Last beverage drank: Water
Last food consumed: Cake, yummmy
Last Crush: Drake Bell and still is, but then there also was the kid named Jake too, but he's done and gone with
Last phone call: Buttface
Last tv show watched: Drake and Josh
Last time showered: This afternoon
Last shoes worn: Black and white converse (of course)
Last annoyance: Seeing myself on camera and film (lol)
Last disappointment: That my family from California left
Last website visited: Livejournal, haha
Last Person talked to/chatted with: My sister

a p p e a r a n c e

skin: white
height: 5'5 1/2
hair color: brunette
eye color: Dark dark brown
tattoos: None

r i g h t n o w
what color pants are you wearing?: Well, none
what song are you listening to? My uncle singing, lol "Hey baby with you stone truck driver" lmao
what taste is in your mouth?: Winterfresh gum
what's the weather like?: Stormy, ooooooo, lightning and everything! I love storms!
how are you?: Exhausted but awesome

d o y o u

get motion sickness?: Oh yess, easily
have a bad habit: Sure do
get along with your parents? Excellently
like to drive?: LOVE IT!

f a v o r i t e s

tv show: Drake and Josh
conditioner: Paul Mitchell
book: Haven't found one yet
non alcoholic drink: Root Beer and Roy Rogers
alcoholic drink: Strawberry Daquari but I don't drink
thing to do on the weekend: Sleep, have a good time with family and friends

h a v e y o u

broken the law: I'd like to have a funny story here but I can't think of one, but no I haven't to my knowledge
runaway from home: Never
snuck out of the house: Never
ever gone skinny dipping: Oh yes
made a prank phone call: Definitely
ever tipped over a porta potty: Haha, never
used your parents' credit card before: Well yah, with them giving me their card
skipped school before: Nope
fell asleep in the shower/bath: Ah yah, many times, especially when I showered before school, in which I did every morning
been in a school play: Nope, only in a choir concert

l o v e

sexuality: Straight
kids: I want lots of kids when I get married, children are amazing
been in love: Yes :'-(
been hurt: Without a doubt, been through quite a bit emotionally
gone out with someone you only knew for three days: Never

r a n d o m

do you have a job: Nope, just left it 3 weeks ago
your cd player has in it right now: Don't have one, I only have an ipod, so I guess everything I love
if you were a crayon what color would you be?: Green
what makes you happy: The rain, laughter, love, freshly baked cookies out of the oven, music, changing from wet clothes to dry ones, family, friends, kids, there are a lot of things that make me happy, even a simple smile makes me happy.
who makes you happiest: Many do
what's the next cd you're gonna get?: The Beatles, I know it's the new and improved CD, no vinyl record or anything, lol

w h e n / w h a t w a s t h e l a s t

time you cried: Don't know, besides that time when I went through like a three month fall down in like Feb-April, oh but wait, a couple days ago when I heard a super sad story about an amazing girl (my cousin), who had changed the life of her boyfriend, who had died about 6 months ago, and he had changed hers.
you got a real letter?: about a week ago, from Lauren, a thank you note
you got e-mail: today
thing you purchased: Jeans
movie you saw in the theater: Wedding Crashers (Hysterical!!)

Name Five People That Know You the Best:

Name Four Things That You Have Done Today:
1. Looked at pictures
2. Fed a bottle and rocked my baby cousin to sleep
3. Laughed with family
4. Swam

Name Four Drinks You Regularly Drink:
1. Diet Pepsi
2. Root Beer
3. Milk

First Grade Teacher's Name?: Mrs. Timberg
Last Words You Said: Oh no, I'm not sure that's a good idea, but let's try it
Last Song You Sang?: Black Sabbath Iron Man
Last Person You Hugged?: My nana
Last Time You Said 'I Love You' and meant it: Today, to my sister
What Color Socks Are You Wearing?: None, but they usually would be many different colors
What's Under Your Bed?: Those tub like storage things
What Time Did You Wake Up Today?: 10:26 am
Current Hair?: People tell me it's kinda like a beatles/rock princess/joan jet hair cut
Current Clothes?: Wearing? My favorite shirt, Orange one that says "drink apple juice cause ok will kill you", and a leopard bra, with matching underwear (don't know how that happened lol), and my pijini shorts that say "South Bark" on them from big dogs.
Current Annoyance?: My wrist, it hurts like no other
Current Longing?: To be with "someone"
Current Desktop?: The most beautiful guy in the world, Drake
Current Worry?: Safety of the flights for my family
Current Hate?: Nothing
Favorite Physical Feature Of The Opposite Sex?: Teeth and hair
Favorite Place To Be?: In the rain
Least Favorite Place?: In front of a classroom full of peers

Time You Wake Up In The Morning?: 10:21-10:59 haha!
If You Could Play An Instrument?: I wish I could play the guitar better, but also the saxaphone or piano, or drums
Favorite Season?: winter
Favorite Day?: Saturdays
Where Would You Like To Go?: LA, and England again
Favorite Car?: My baby Mossimo (Scion tC), but also BMW's especially because it's my initials, but also because they are amazing vehicles
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