Just so you guys know what's been up.

Jul 12, 2011 01:55

 I know I rarely post here anymore. I use this LJ mostly for keeping up with friends & watching BPAL sales. But I've been absent more than usual lately. Those who know my FB know why, but I just felt the need to, I dunno, make sure? Make sure you guys know I haven't fallen off the face of the planet...yet.

And hey, what is LJ for if not sharing squicky details with one another? XD But who know - maybe me sharing my details will help someone else who might be having the same problem somewhere.

As some of you may know, I've had some serious menstrual difficulties as of late, such as irregular cycles, large clots & severely heavy periods accompanied by lethargy & weariness & I've been seeing a doctor to try & figure it out. I mean, having a period last a month was the final straw. My initial blood tests had come back normal, but my ultrasound showed some irregularities in my uterine lining, so they decided to do a PAP & a few biopsies to see if there was anything up with that. While in the process, the doctor performing the procedures saw I had a small polyp that seemed to be on my cervix. He discovered it actually was from inside my uterus with an unusually long stalk, which he removed before completing the biopsies. Needless to say, it wasn't a pleasant experience. He also prescribed me a low dosage of progesterone to try & help regulate things. And for the better part of a month, it seemed to be working. I had some spotting & what seemed to be a normal period. Hell, I even drove to Arizona & back to visit amepanda with little difficulty. But by the time I returned, my symptoms had started up again & if anything, they were worse.

I had been waiting for word back from the hospital regarding the results of the biopsies but had heard nothing. So I called... & left a message. Then called the next day... & left another message. I was getting frustrated, but I also had to realize this was a free Indian hospital (their name, not mine, but yes, it means Native American) & the women's clinic is always extremely busy. So I had to be patient. But I was also getting scared. I was going through an overnight pad every 2-4 hours, & that's being generous. What I was really doing was running to the toilet every 2-4 hours because I would feel a clot slip & I knew a rush of blood would follow, soaking through everything I was wearing. I wish that were a joke... but just once I didn't make it in time. I instead stepped into the bathtub to try & lessen the mess. It looked as if I'd been stabbed in the femoral artery.

Fortunately later that same day the nurse at the clinic called me back. I explained what was happening & she explained what she could of my biopsy results. They weren't abnormal, but they weren't normal either - basically inconclusive but showing there might be another polyp like the first, irritating things. So after a few callbacks & whatnot I was scheduled for a DNC (also called a D&C) which is short for Dilation & Curettage. As explained to me, a fairly simple & common procedure involving the dilation of my cervix & a "cleaning out" of the contents of my uterus, giving it a chance to "reset" itself. The earliest they could schedule me was a week away, during which I was to continue my progesterone & try to take it easy as possible, as it was quite likely I was becoming anemic from blood loss.

Likely was right.

But let's keep this in order, shall we? The day before my surgery I went in for my Pre-Op examination, which really was not much more than me meeting with the doctor, discussing what was gonna happen, going to the lab to give blood & urine samples, then going to the Ambulatory Surgery Care Unit to supposedly meet with the anesthesiologist (which didn't happen) & get my time of arrival for the surgery.And all through this I was weary, sluggish & afraid I would have to run to the bathroom any minute, even though my period had finally showed signs of slowing. But I got through it & was told not to eat or drink anything after midnight & to be back bright & early, 7am at the ASCU, to meet with the aforementioned anesthesiologist. Oh, & to make sure I had someone to drive me as I would be still sluggish from the anesthetic.

Now my rational mind was, well, rational. I understood the procedure, I knew it was commonly done. Multiple women, even my mom, have had it done & they all told me the same thing - it's uncomfortable but safe & recovery time is pretty quick as long as you take it easy. Which as random as my schedule can be might be difficult, but hey, I can sit still for a week or so... well, I can try, right? But none of this really allayed my inner nervousness. This was to be, after all, my first surgery, not to mention my first anesthetic beyond dental local stuff. So I didn't sleep well.

It's not quite an hour's drive from my place to the hospital, but I knew there was construction between here & there. So we (my sister & I) left about 6am; my mom was still working & wouldn't be off till about 8am, so she was to meet us there. We actually made great time & got there about 20 mins early, which was good because it gave me some time to relax. And to give another urine sample, which was little more than a dribble since I'd already gone that morning (& remember, no food or drink after midnight). Mom got out of work early & met us about 7:30ish I think.

Now bear with me, as my memory of the details may be off. I met with the anesthesiologist (well, one of them) who went over the details of what I'd be receiving & the effects I'd experience. He said they'd come for me around 8ish & then left, leaving my chart with me as I was instructed to change into my surgical gowns & booties. I asked to leave my underwear on as I was still bleeding, joy, not to mention cramping again. Mom took this opportunity to check out my chart & discovered my blood lab results from the Pre-Op. All she would tell me is that they were "low". I guess she didn't want me stressing over numbers. By the way, I cannot count how many times people said I looked pale, ugh. We also meet with the doctor again, & I ask him about how long the procedure would take. The DNC itself should be about 15 minutes, but all in all, start to finish, maybe an hour. I could be home by noon.

Somewhere during all this they drew another blood sample. Then the attendant nurse also introduced herself while another administered my IV (Oh yah, my first, btw). They left & mom, my sis & I chatted for a bit while I marveled at the weirdness of having a tiny catheter in my hand & joked about my daring fashion statement with my surgical gowns. A few minutes in to the IV I started to feel light-headed, then dizzy. I said as much to my mom while attempting to sit forward a bit. Then I was nauseous. I remember saying this, followed by an "huuuuurrggghh-" Then, nothing but muffled voices. People were talking but I couldn't see or understand them. Then I was on my back, feet up & mom was standing over me. Oh yes, I had passed out. My first vasovagal response! Day of firsts, yup. Apparently it was classic: eyes rolled up, heart rate dropped, color (what there was of it) drained & boom, I was out. Kinda wish there'd been video. Mom got to slap me while trying to wake me, lol!

So after all that excitement calmed down, they finally come to get me around 8:15 or so. I walk to the prep area (or whatever it's called) while mom & sis are ushered to the waiting area. The first thing I notice is it's FREEZING in this area. They get me up on a gurney & my skin is already goose-bumping. Fortunately they have a blanket that feels fresh from the dryer & I all but nuzzle it, it feels so good. I chat with the attending nurse while we wait for the head anesthesiologist, who's running a little late He finally meets me around 8:30 & chats with me, while also telling me what he's about to administer. He uses a syringe to deliver a milky substance into my IV, explaining I would feel a burning or stinging from it. And boy, I do. I remember thinking, "Oh, he has a scab on his neck, wonder how he got it?".....

And nothing else till I woke up, lying flat on the gurney, another blanket warming me, & a nurse instructing me to take deep breaths. I think I felt a sense of motion before that, but I can't be certain. I was in a recovery room, still had my IV in, but I only marginally noticed it. I asked some questions that I don't really remember, only made funnier by the fact that, apparently, the nurse said I'd told the anesthesiologist I like to ask a lot of questions. I have no memory of this, but it totally sounds like me. I noticed there was a clock on the wall & the time read-

11:30? No, that can't- Really? It's 11:30? Why is it 11:30?

Now I was fading in & out a lot & having to take deep breaths, so I don't remember everything. I know they took something off of my ankles; I don't know if it was for monitoring or restraint. I know the put a hose venting warm air under my blanket & I commented how I was "perfectly toasty". But I do remember the doctor saying it should take more than an hour for everything. So why was it almost 3 hours later? The nurses in recovery didn't have all the details of the procedure & told me I'd find out soon from the doctor, certainly. I was pretty compliant (as well as drugged) so I let it go.

They eventually wheeled me back to the initial ASCU room to meet with my mom & sis & finish waking up. I remember feeling something like a pad beneath me, & asking where my underwear was. I remember being helped off the gurney into the reclining chair. I think that's when I really noticed my IV was still in. Mom said something about it being my second bag. They tried to explain all that had gone on, but I just couldn't retain it. I remember something about another, larger polyp, & my cervix not closing & stitches & coming back in 2 weeks. There was a mention of "like you gave birth". But I didn't remember that till later.

I remember the nurse asking me if I wanted something to drink & she listed off some juices. I chose cranberry, but every time I took a sip, I would hiccup. Then I got immediately nauseous & I made the "creepy Cheshire grin" face, my mom called it, because smiling suppresses the gag reflex. The nurse got a bag, but I never vomited. Somehow I was able to unlock my phone for my sis to text a friend of mine I was supposed to help that evening. I obviously couldn't function. I then remember her putting a solution through my IV to help prevent nausea, which stung. Then she realized my IV was blocked up, so she flushed it, which HURT. I then remember trying to get dressed, but I could only get my bra & shirt on part way due to the IV, which was eventually removed. Then she instructed mom & sis to get the van pulled around & got me in a wheelchair. I remember it had no footrests & the nurse said something like, "Yah, I don't know why they got removed." She wheeled me out & I pointed out the van, they got me in & off we took. The ride too was hazy; mom asked me if I was hungry, I think I agreed, so she bought McDonald's for everyone. Next thing I know, we're home, she's setting me up in the recliner & asking me how many burgers I want. She leaves me with the food & goes to bed, seeing as she's been working since 10 the previous night & it's-

Crap, it's 3-something. PM.

I decide to start with the yogurt-fruit-thing. I probably take 2 bites before falling asleep. Wake up, take another bite, sleep. This went on for a while, till I awoke suddenly at 6:30, starving. I ate a hamburger & the rest of the yogurt, then promptly passed out again. Finally around 9pm I woke back up, went to the bathroom (you all counting the hours?) & went to question mom what the doctor told her, now that I was more lucid. Sore & groggy, but lucid & much more coherent.

Man, I had missed a lot.

The doctor explained that, when he went in to begin the procedure, I had apparently, already, dilated & there was something in my vaginal cavity. She then reproduced a simple drawing diagram he had done for her to demonstrate what he *ahem* pulled out. Bear in mind, the uterus is about, oh, 3-4 inches big, right? Not a big organ, but insanely flexible, as any mother would tell you. What he found (and drew) was an encapsulated polyp, approximately 5 times the size of my uterus.

Just... let that sink in a minute.

Apparently all those tests & scans had missed it because it filled the entire cavity, stretching it out in fact, so it just... didn't register. So. Mom was pretty furious. But after he was able to remove it my cervix wouldn't close on it's own. So he had to not only pack my uterus (with absorb-able bandages, basically), he had to stitch my cervix closed. Hence the extra time & extra grogginess. I also have a gaggle of pills to take & I have to come in for a checkup in 2 weeks to check the healing progress.

He was also apparently surprised I wasn't in more pain.

So, the tl;dr moral of the story is: Ladies, if your period goes wonky, GET IT CHECKED. NOW. Could be nothing. Could be stress. But nevertheless, get it checked. Because who knows how long this had been going on inside me? My period went wonky when I first moved to Japan 4 years ago; it could've started then & I just thought it was stress. But I didn't get it checked & now I have to deal with not only recovering from surgery, but I'm also recovering from the resultant anemia, which I've learned could take months. Gentlemen, if the lady in your life is having menstrual problems, LISTEN TO HER. It could be she just needs to vent, or it could be a real, serious problem. Don't write it off as PMS, because sometimes it's really not. Educate yourselves on the signs of things like anemia & menorrhagia, 'cause sometimes we ladies are stubborn when it comes to our own health & won't notice things till it's too late.

And that is the state of me at the moment. It's been not quite a week since the surgery; I'm still sore & can't be upright for long periods. I move slow because I'm still kind of weak & can't do much in a day that doesn't involve sitting, & even that hurts after a while & I have to lay down. And I hate it, because I am forced to do nothing. Those of you who know me know I like to stay busy, but now I can hardly sweep the living room without having to sit down in the middle of it. But I am healing. And trust me, even as crappy as I feel now, I still feel better than I did a week ago. And I know I'll get better. Just bear with me.

tmi, menstrual, sick, surgery, medicine, frustration

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