yuletide letter

Oct 27, 2019 12:52

Hello dear writer!

First of all, thank you so much for writing one of my requests! I hope this letter is helpful to you.

General likes: Humor, tropes, angst with a happy ending, character and relationship studies beyond the main pairing, any heat level you're comfortable writing.

Dislikes: Unhappy endings, (I don't mind the angst level in the untamed, mostly because it all resolves well - I can take a good amount of angst if the payoff works), ambiguous endings, unrequited pining, intense kink, non-canonical major character death.

On to the fandoms!

The Untamed: I'd love canon-compliant fic, not an AU, especially anything post-canon. Canon divergence is fine as well! I'd love casefic with ghost hunting, or a pwp, or found family fic with Lan Yuan and Wen Ning. If you're comfortable with writing explicit fic, a post-canon pwp would also be great! I would love any exploration of WWX's internal state in the time before LWJ calls his name at the end, or LWJ's internal thought process at the end of the series.

Please no non-canonical major character deaths or anything very grimdark.

The Untamed RPF: I'm new here, so just have fun! I love the way they tease and joke with each other, so more of that.

Twice, Feel Special: How do all these worlds connect? Are these women all fated to be together? Can Chaeyoung and Mina kiss? How did Tzuyu end up in the dollhouse?? You could do almost anything with this and I'd he happy, honestly. it's such a cool video with cool worldbuilding.

You can see my writing here if you want to get an idea of what I like: https://archiveofourown.org/users/misspamela

Thank you again and happy yuletide!

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