I got an iTouch for Christmas/my birthday (often when I express concern over the cost of a gift, Mom tells me it counts for both). I would love to get some apps for it. However, I really can't afford to splurge on iTunes stuff right now, so I would love to get some recommendations for awesome apps that are free. I've played around in their top
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My faves:
Echofon -- for Twitter (you have Twitter, right?)
The Weather Channel -- because I'm a weather watcher, particularly for snow days
Pandora -- great for driving
RssRunner -- for all your RSS needs
ZenJar -- very cool timewaster, you put a thought into the zen jar, or open the jar and someone else's thought comes to you. You can respond if you like.
Free Foodle -- Grocery list. You can check off what you bought and shake it to sort everything you haven't bought to the top.
To Do's -- to do list
Food Network -- HELLS yeah
AppGmail -- I think it works better than the regular email app
AceBudget -- Budgeting software that I like. Actually, you might want to shell out 99 cents for the paid version on this one, the free only lets you go to 20 entries.
DoGood -- gives you a good deed to do daily, once completed your deed goes toward the global DoGood counter.
iTick -- metronome
iPegs -- plays pitches for tuning
Shazam -- identifies songs for you, so you never have to sit in a restraunt or listen to the radio and go "What the hell is that?" again.
Stanza -- eBook reader. You can snag free books with it.
Urbanspoon -- Give it a couple of paramaters (like how much you want to spend or what type of food) and then shake, and it'll pick out a restraunt in town for you.
AroundMe -- also known as "AssSaver," it helps you locate shit close to your current position.
What's On? -- TV listings
Chase -- I bank with chase, so.
Christmas Countdown
USPS Mobile
Dragon Dictation -- free for a while, it's speech to text
Old Navy -- sometimes I browse oldnavy.com for sewing ideas, this just makes the process faster.
FATTAG -- Fun doodle program that drips.
UNO Free
UsaRiva -- Othello with bunnies
Air Hockey
Mancala FS5
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