(no subject)

Sep 03, 2008 15:58

So I picked up my first kindergarten virus and have basically been in bed since Friday. Except for today and Tuesday when I was at work, and then in bed. I kinda thought I had an invincible immune system from building up diseases last year but apparently I was very wrong.

Before I delve into tales from kindergarten, I'd like to take this opportunity to pimp out my new journal: zp_icons. I've been making icons from all the Zero Punctuation reviews and posting them. I have most of the ones from Psychonauts done and will try to post them later today.

Tales from Kindergarten -

The teacher I worked with last year was very clean, neat, and appropriately concerned about hygiene issues. This year's teacher brushes his teeth while the kids do their writing assignments - he even produces foamy muffled compliments on their writing before spitting his toothpaste into the sink. It is like working in two parallel universes, and in one of them this is normal behavior. He also rocks out to counting songs with them and pretends to be a Decepticon so the kids can try to take him down (Transformers are the new Spiderman as far as coolness is concerned).

Propeller Hat kid is out. I miss his awesome hat.

One of our little girls brings her lunch to school in a bento box. I thought those were just for anime nerds (said the pot to the audience of kettles) so that was kinda neat to see.

There are at least two little boys who claim to be in love with one of our girls. She's having none of it from one of them and flirts with the second. From five year olds, this is all kinds of fun to watch.

EDIT: Oh! In video game news, I had totally forgotten there are bits of Symphonia that I hate with the violence of a thousand suns. Like Latheon Gorge. Or this stupid-assed Welgaia place that has rooms without gravity that I cannot get through to save my life because my brain has devoted more space to "Why Kratos is dreamy" rather than retaining any "Learn to suck at this less."

video games, school

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