Heh, so our company had Cable and DSL from a prominent service provider in a location we will no longer use after the end of this month.
Apparently the account was set up under the personal name of our facilities manager, which might explain some of the story below.
I just answered a call from someone wanting to confirm details of the cancellation, which started off on the wrong note because she asked if I were Mrs. Larez. Hilarity ensued when I tried to explain we were actually a company, and that I could answer her question myself. She needed to know what services we had in order to process the cancellation correctly.
When you pay for a monthly service, and need to cancel it because you are moving, wouldn't you expect that service provider to have their own records of what you pay them for listed with your account information?
I offered our account # to refer to, and she said she had no idea what that number meant. I pulled up a bill with the check stub, and read to her from the bill we have paid on time every month to tell her what services we have been paying for. She seemed to be able to interpret from that what she needed to know, but wasn't nearly as amused as I was.
Then she went back to my having mentioned that we are a business. She said, "Are you *sure* you're a business?" I said "Yes, I'm sure we're a business."
She was appalled, and said "We usually don't call businesses this time of night. I need to know if you are a business in order to process this cancellation correctly." When I asked how that mattered when we were canceling the service, all she could do was repeat herself like a broken record.
What impressive customer service!
And speaking of excellent customer service: last week a prominent shipping company somehow managed to update contact information for our company account, including changing the authorized contact and the contact phone number for our account when an employee called to verify tracking info for their personal cell phone which they were having delivered to the company address.
I can understand linking account information by address or by a phone number, but shouldn't it be a very basic concept that more than one entity might have a package delivered to the same address? Or that a person might happen to call from a phone that is associated with an account other than what the person is calling about? And shouldn't a world-wide shipping company actually ask before overwriting contact information for an account?