(no subject)

Jul 17, 2005 00:49

today was AWESOME!!! Nikki and I took the kids to the beach for their very first time. They had never seen the ocean, planes carrying banners, seaguls, the pier, sand.... anything. It was the cutest thing ever. They were so adorable. It was so much fun. Nik and i dug a really deep, wide hole, and stuck the baby in it, so he wouldn't disapear... it was just like a play pin, but only in the sand. Bella and Christian dug holes, buried eachother, found seashells and crabs. They ran in and out of the ocean, rolled around in the sand until they were little sand monsters... oh man, it was fun. Titus loved the water too. He did this little crab crawl to get to the water. I took him in a couple of times, and he loved it. Before we left, we took a walk on the pier. The kids were amazed by all the fish people were catching, but even more amazed when the got to see dolphins... and to think, they only wanted to see sea lions. All and all, it was a really great day. Getting to see the joy on their little faces was amazing.

playing with titus's cup, waiting for del taco

still being silly, bella wanted to pose with the cup.

he really wanted to be covered in sand.

"uh momma.... titus is squishin' me"

the beginnings of our baby hole.

mmm... sand covered french fries!!

baby in the hole.

he ate a lot of sand.... look at his little tooth.

rollin' in the sand.

can we say "future bathing suit model"?!

collecting water.

he was SOOOOOO happy a bird pooped on him... no jokes.

diggin' for sand crabs.

we gave her a new name that day... Sandy, Sandy Crack.

in the middle of a crab walk.... well, crawl.

ahh! his clothes just disapeared!!!

on the pier.

as little stuart would say on Mad TV..... "LOOK WHAT I CAN DO!"
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