Guilt What is yours? Explain yourself Culinary: breakfast food!
i shouldn't eat scrambled eggs every single morning.
ohnotheydidnt it's not a novel, BUT I AM SHAMEFULLY OBSESSED.Audiovisual: anime noah watches it allllll the time.
Musical: kelly clarkson the only real american idol.
Celebrity: paul rudd (brian fantana from anchorman) he's so cute and funny :)
Now I tag:-
wallflowerish blondiusmaximus wyldkiss des and
headlessegoto complete this same Quiz, Its
HERE. I'm making a dance compilation similar to
Fired Up!.
Just to name a few, mine will include Madonna "Hung Up", DJ Sammy "Heaven", and Ian Van Dahl "Castles in the Sky", and the song from this commercial... Do you know any other good ones?