Feb 20, 2006 15:42
YAY- Thigns between me adn mike have gotten so much better and I am soo happy about it. We haven't really gotten in to a fight in a while and you have no idea how happy this makes me. We've actually been okay and guess what?? On Valentine's day we made love..like forreal "love"..not just hit it and go get a glass of water..No we went all out.. the big prego belly did get in the way a bit but we worked aorund it :-) So that put me in a good mood. After that we went out to get somethign to eat. I was starving so we went to the Golden Corral..How romantic? Wow to me it was great ALL YOU CAN EAT!!! Holla! I had about 5 plates and it was all good.
He also is moving out of his mom's and into a house a couple minutes away with his uncle adn his friend. The bachelor's pad..sike.He is not much of a bachelor with a girlfriend and baby. But im glad that he got to move out and is doing his own thing.
Peyton is doing awsome. Her kicking and movements have increased alot! You can actually see her kicking through my cothe!
Boo- So he went to jail yesterday? What the hell? Him and his friends get pulled over for the stupidest shit ever!! "Suspicious Vehicle" its a fucking Crown Vic and it was new. Oh but wai tits two young black guys..so there must be drugs in the car. COMPLETE BULLSHIT!!! I was so pissed. Oh but he got put in jail becasue there was a warrant out for his arrest for not showing up for court over a traffic ticket! BULLSHIT ONCE AGAIN! So they take him to BARTOW>>WHICh IS LIKE AN HOUR AND A HALF AWAY! He gets home around 7 am . I was so scared for him I couldnt sleep all night.
I still need a car.so bad! I need a car I need a car I needa car!!!