
Apr 20, 2012 20:40

A/N: I'm trying to fix myself at the moment, I've been through a really rough time for a few months, and I'm starting to get better. The first paragraph came to while I was playing Pac-man so I wrote it down and ran with it. This is the end result. I'm happy with it. I posted it here so people can see it. I hope maybe it'll make one person feel a bit better about themselves. That's my aim.

In the words of blink-182:This world's an ugly place, but you're so beautiful to me.

Ugly isn’t what people see. It isn’t caused by the genes they carry in their body. Ugly isn’t the colour of their hair or the shape of their nose. It isn’t the number of flaws they count on their face or the number on the scales. Ugly is who people are. It’s the darkness people carry in their chest. Ugly is the words they say and the things they do. Ugly is the times they make people cry and the guilt they don’t carry.

Like a lot of things, the definition of ugly has been blurred.  It means something unpleasant, unattractive. Something people have no desire for. Why must that be considered as only what we can only see with our eyes? We have other senses for a reason. We hear people’s ugly words. We feel ugly when they say them to us. Ugly ugly ugly.

People’s physical ‘ugliness’ is subjective. For every one person who finds something ugly about a person’s anatomy, another person will find it beautiful. They will see them with their bumpy nose or their uneven skin or love handles and still think they are the most beautiful person on the planet, even if another person doesn’t. Beauty and ugly are subjective. People can see skin and be fooled, see ‘perfection’. We rely on eyes too much. We take our sight for granted. If you asked someone what they find ‘beautiful’, they will name physical attributes. Nice eyes, nice hair, nice smile. Nothing more than superficial. Nice nice nice.

But some people have ugly souls. They might have beautiful aspects about them, but they do ugly things and say ugly things to make other people feel as ugly as they are. And they can’t spread their ugly, but they can make you think they can. They’ll make you think you’re just as ugly as they are, make you feel uncomfortable in your skin, make you want to change yourself to be better. Prettier. Less ugly. When in fact you’re fine the way you are. And maybe you have flaws and imperfections, but that doesn’t make you ugly; it makes you human.

Imperfections are beautiful. They are something to explore, something new to discover. Perfection is a blank canvas, it’s flat and dull and black and white, while imperfection is a full one, and it’s loud and bright and colourful, and maybe it has lumps and bumps, and maybe it has colours that don’t quite match and lines that aren’t quite straight, but you know every time you look at it you’ll see something you didn’t see the time before. And it’s exciting and interesting.

Next time you see yourself in the mirror, you’ll still see every imperfection you’ve ever seen, but you need to remember that a mirror is nothing but a piece of glass that’s easily shattered. And something that can be shattered that easily is nothing that should ever be trusted. But the mirror isn’t a liar. The mirror just shows what it sees. Whether not it’s ‘perfect’ is something that can be argued. But remember: you are more than just a body. You are more than the cells and the skin and the hair and the eyes you see, you are the people you know, the things you’ve seen, the words you say, the things you do. Close your eyes; use it as a mirror and see your soul. Do you still think you’re ugly? I don’t. I think you’re beautiful in a way that can still be seen with your eyes closed.

So no, you’re probably not perfect. You’ll wake up tomorrow and every imperfection you see when you see yourself will still be there. You’ll still be imperfect, but does that really make you ugly?

hope, recovery, self confidence, self harm, you'll be ok, suicide, beauty, ugly, depression, beautiful, sad, suicidal

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