A Day in San Jose

Jul 11, 2008 20:31

Today was San Jose day!!  I spent some time in the Gold Museum and the Money Museum.  Actually, they are called the Museo de Oro Pre-Colombiano and the Museo de Numismática.  Apparently, “numismatic” is the English word meaning the scientific study of currency and its history.  Who knew?  Anyway, the museums weren’t all that exciting to me, but I kinda had to go, cuz I would have regretted it and wondered about it if I didn’t.  It didn’t cost a lot, so I didn’t feel cheated out of anything.

There was an interesting exhibit on display all throughout the parks and market areas.  It is called CowParade and apparently they are all over the place.  The one in San Jose is the first in Central America.  Here is a link with more info if you have a burning desire to read about the CowParade thingy:  http://www.costaricapages.com/blog/costa-rica-news/cow-parade/758?akst_action=share-this.  Anyway, because of her totally strange fixation with cows (especially “moo moo cows”), this journal entry is dedicated to my sister, Doni.  There were no moo-moos, but there were plenty of other kinds.  I especially like the pole-dancing one.

Here is the link to see the pictures.  I wanted to post them right on the site, but it takes a ridiculously long time to download the pics here, so this link will take you to my Kodak slideshow page.  Enjoy!!  

I will have a longer journal up after I get back from the volcano tomorrow!!  Adios!
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