Sep 28, 2005 09:01
So here I am, sitting on my tush with nothing to do while everyone else is being productive. Well I have pleanty I could be doing, but I am bored and alone and cant pay attention to anything. sheesh, the less things i have to do the less productive I am. I become so lazy. It doesnt make sence but when I use to work all the time and have guard and try to see all my friends I managed to get my stuff done no problem. eh maybe i need to get a life before I can get things done. how does that sound?
Last night, at Nicholas hall they had "sex in the lounge" which is basically a sex triva game. but rather then educational, it was more of a gross party or something ha. All i saw was a group of both guys and girls putting condoms on bananas, using only their mouth. I was like AH!! then I went back to my room haha. Sorry stina and kevin. didnt mean to ditch you guys. I felt really bad.
I saw mike a little yesterday also. Altho most of the time he was here he was asleep. I had to wake him up in order for him to leave at like 1030ish. He is a little nuts and he has the nerve to call me crazy. ha every other second there was a "BS" joke- sigh. where did I find you? oh yea. In a science lab haha. <3 we annoy eachother so much yet we somehow still enjoy it. haha like seriously, who fights over what color motorcycle looks better or "BS" yea....i miss him already. soo much.
I realize i miss so many people, but like stupid things about them. Like I miss steve garcias random outburst. Frans stories in my car. Migz crazy high fives haha. Dez and Petes stupid fights. My WINNING volleyball team! ha we rocked! I miss guard, and singing hellogoodbye with carolyn, mechler and melissa. I miss camp. and everything about it exspecially my long talks with jaclyn. I miss Vin m and our silly conversations. I miss troy debates, that turned into fights, that turned into hate, that turned into us laughing about my stupidity haha. I miss hearing a car/bike up outside my house and knowing that meant mike was there and that i was about to smile. I miss the corner where we all hung out inbetween classes ( and where I beat of steve ha). sheesh I could go on forever but I assume u all must be sick of reading since I am now also. blah. TTYL<3
"My bed smells like home"