I just got a new computer. I have new resources also. If at one point, I decided to use my old resource (will not really happen until my dad gives me my damn back up files) and they are yours, please tell me. I never really kept track of my old resources so I apologize.
- 1234567890 -
77words - Aa -
abernathi a_mandaa - Bb -
bentosound - Cc -
charliandi cooloring - Dd -
dearest dirtystereo dusty_memories - Ee -
eightyfour__ expose42 - Ff -
fake_rainbow - Gg -
- Hh -
haudvafra - Ii -
- Jj -
- Kk -
kiho_chan kekoah - Ll -
leelarama lifeisdolce loveicon - Mm -
- Nn -
- Oo -
offbeat_upbeat ownthesunshine - Pp -
pale_septembre - Qq -
- Rr -
- Ss -
samantha_vnr sophierochelle - Tt -
toybirds tove_91 tulle - Uu -
- Vv -
- Ww -
- Xx -
xelatinox xgraphicjunkie xonlyashesx - Yy -
- Zz -