Who Ya Gonna Call?

Apr 17, 2006 11:58

I know I joke around a lot on here, but I'd like to speak to you all seriously for a moment. I have a big problem, and I need help. I'm at my wits end, and I just don't know what to do anymore. So I'm coming to you all for wisdom & advice, hoping - no begging for your advice, LJ friends.

Now, let me preface this by saying that I am the most unsuperstitious person you will ever meet. I am very logic minded. I generally don't believe in ghosts, possessions, or supernatural things like that. I need cold hard facts before I'm convinced of anything. Ask Kristen - I have been forbidden to go with her when she goes out with her "ghost-hunting" friends because I tend to mock them (in a friendly way, but some people take that personally... I dunno.). When I made jokes about Kristen's microwave being possessed by the dead popcorn mogul Orville Redenbacher, I was only joking around. I certainly never thought something like that could really happen. Anyways, the story:

As a few of you know, there have been some... strange... occurances in my appartment. When the roommate (foxywriter) and I moved in last summer, I found these mysterious little black hairs in my bathroom sink. Lots of them, very coarse, about 2 centimeters long. Kind of like the bristles you'd find on a brush. Now.. they aren't *my* hairs - I have blonde hair, and it's not short. And Kristen has red hair (and doesn't use my bathroom to my knowledge). So where do these little black hairs in question come from?! The weird thing is, I'll wipe down my sink before going to bed. Then I'll get up in the morning and the hairs will be there! I'll clean the sink again, and the hairs will come back! Before I get a chance to even *use* the bathroom counter area - so I know they don't come from me or from one of my brushes! It's baffling! Not only that, but Kristen and I have noticed strange noises coming from around the appartment. She's admitted to hearing the sounds of someone climbing up the stairs at 5AM when no one was climbing up the stairs at ALL. Creepy, no?

power12252 and I have discussed this strange phenomenon at length and we have come to the conclusion that the appartment is haunted by the spirit of former president Taft. I don't recall how we came to this conclusion, but it seemed perfectly logical at the time.... For a little while, the black hairs and mysterious noises were gone. But now...

They're baaaaaaaaaaaaack! I don't know what to do. I bet even Unsolved Mysteries couldn't solve this one! How does one rid an appartment of an evil spirit? Seance? Get an old priest and a young priest? Write the ghost a letter, asking it politely to leave? I don't like the idea of living in a haunted room. I don't want to be watched (especially between 4-5PM, that's Nicole's private time!). So far the entity known as Taft's Ghost has not done anything to make me think it's EVIL. But you never know what it might do in the future. What if it gets possessive of me? What if I bring a guy over and it gets all hostile? I certainly don't need the ghost of a former president salting my game, slowing my roll.

So... what should I do??? Why won't Taft leave me alone? Was my appartment built over an ancient presidential burial ground? This has all taken an ugly turn, folks... I beg of you all to help.

mysterious mysteries, president taft hairs, help!

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