Injokes are cool!

Feb 17, 2006 08:49

Quick update while my coffee is brewing and my toast is buring (I have serious contempt for our toaster oven!), 'cause I think Kristen and Christina will hurt me if I don't post this...

So, last night I was attempting to draw a cartoon version of myself and failing miserabley because I suck at drawing myself, when my roommate suggested that I draw a cartoon version of power12252. This suggestion reminded me of a comment he made when a while back, when I posted some old artwork I had done, when Max made the comment that I should draw a comic based on his superhero alter-ego. For those who don't know, we have this joke that he's a mild-mannered lawyer by day, but dons a Speedo (don't ask) and cape at night to thwart evil-doers.... So I whipped up this drawing in a about 20 minutes as a joke. Personally, I think the likness is UNCANNY!

The Avenging Shyster - striking fear into the hearts of evil-doers everywhere! Hehe, so many injokes, but I think people can figure most of it out for themselves. For those of you who haven't experienced the wonder of "Hip High Man Pleasin' Boots," go here! (You get the sense there's something a little off about that guy. Maybe it's the demented gleam in his eye, maybe it's that sinister mustache. Maybe it's something else entirely... *shrug* ) Anyways, don't kill me Max, you requested this!!

BTW, Here is the cartoon version of me I TRIED to do, but I'm pissed off that it doesn't look like me at ALL. So I'm scrapping it and will try again later. Damn my lack of talent! So bitter...

Next time, I am drawing Christina in all her pimp glory! XD OK, now I need to finish my readings before class...

arts and crafts time, hip high man pleasin boots, don't kill me max

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