It's the eye of the tiger, it's the thrill of the fight...

Oct 24, 2005 13:38

If my life were a movie, this is where the musical montage would be inserted of me sitting behind a daunting pile of law books, and in every shot the stack would get less and less, intermixed with scenes of me drinking coffee, popping Excedrine, and ironing on a superhero logo to my halloween costume, as the hands hands of a a clock spin to indicate the passage of time. And maybe there'd be a scene of me firing off a gun at a shooting range or learning some sweet-ass karate moves from Mr Miagi. Because that'd add some excitement. And then the whole thing would climax in a blaze of glory as I climb an impossibly formidable flight of stairs in a grey sweatsuit and pump my fists in the air in victory.... Oh yeeeeeeeah.

Hmmm.... If my life *were* a movie, who do y'all reckon would play me? I'm really curious...

*cough* Anyway, my point is that my life is going to be utter insanity until November 4th circa 2PM. Anyone wanna do a temporary life-trade?! Perks include: access to my gi-normous tub of animal crackers and having dirty old men and teenage boys at your beck & call.
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