Strange things are afoot at the Circle K.

May 18, 2004 11:01

Mmm.... Productivity! I managed to get a lot of stuff done yesterday, despite the fact that it's the first week of vacation. Got up semi-early, went to the gym, got my exercise on. Came home and cleaned. Re-organized my closet, while at the same time doing four (count 'em, FOUR!) separate loads of laundry (Yes, I have a lot of clothes.... And if I hadn't been on my last pair of granny panties, I coulda gone at least another week, too! My goal is to have 365 pairs of underwear, that way I only have to do laundry once a year. :-P ). I reorganized my bookshelves. Burned a couple CD mixes for the upcoming Top Secret Mystery Excursion.

I also finally bit the bullet and looked up my grade for my huge-ass Legal Process paper. Grades were available like 3 weeks ago, but I've neglected to check, basically because of paranoia.... Ignorance is bliss an' all that. Anyway, I managed to get an A, which shocked the hell outta me! A's are VERY hard to come by in law school. Maybe I won't flunk out after all... Go me! :-D

Having renewed urges to move out.... which is NOT good when one has no actual income aside from student loans. Went appartment browsing with Kristen on Sat and found this rockin' townhouse. It was, well, rockin'. Two story, two rooms, two and a half baths, two walk in closets (big plus for us chickies!), vaulted ceilings, washer/dryer, fire-place, an many other amenities. And at a price that's almost too good to be true! Gah... Foul temptress!

Went shopping with Mikey on Sunday. 'Twas fun as usual. I hadn't realized how much I missed him. *sniff* Being busy sucks...

Ohhhh, the new New Found Glory CD "Catalyst" come out today! Must stop by Best Buy today and pick up that bad boy while I'm out running errands... Alanis Morrissette's new CD comes out today too, but I think I'll listen to that one before I buy it. No offense, Alanis, but I prefer your bitter, pissed-at-world songs better to your enlightened, good-girl new stuff. Jagged Little Pill is one of my all time favorite CDs, but the two after that kinda... sucked... aside from 2 or 3 songs. Oh well, what can you do?

Time to git busy on today's to-do list. Only a couple more days til the TSME! I'm ready for another wacky adventure....


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