I am Mighty Tighty Whitey

Oct 09, 2005 16:30

So. Spent six hours on Friday Halloween costume shopping with my mom. I'm proud to say that I can now cross 'Try on a speedo over my pants in the middle of Big Five Sporting Goods in front of audience of employees and my smirking mother' off my Things To Do Before I Die list. But I think we solved the thigh-high boot dilemma. The good news: I get to wear shiney furniture upolstry! The bad news: I have to wear shiney furniture upholstry. That's going to be hot. And not hot in a good way; hot in a "For the love of Christ, turn on the A/C, it's like the damned Sahara in here!" way. The upholstry is rather thick, so my legs will no doubt sweat. But regardless, I'm happy that problem has been sovled! Can I get a hell yeah?

Quiet Saturday night. Went out to Mongolian BBQ with the roommate, where we got into a conversation that had me laughing so hard I was crying. Then went shopping and hit the "bargain theater" to see The Fantastic Four (and K knocked over my drink twice - the second time she felt the need to finish it off for good). My thoughts on the movie: Ehhh. The ending seemed way too rushed, and it needed a better storyline & character developement. But what can you do? Today, I really need to buckle down and get some work done. I'm feeling very overwhelmed with stress right now regarding school. I have the regular course work, the MPRE to study for, a 20 page paper to write, and finals coming up. And I need to do well on all of those things. Plus, I'd really like to have some sort of social life, too, because it keeps me sane. And there's another thing that just came up that I won't go into outside of a locked post. Something that is stressing me out big time, that there's virtually nothing I can do about. *sigh* Possibly more on that later.

It also appears our dear neighbors, Bobby & Whitney, have moved out this week! Oh, what a crying shame. What will we do without their loud fighting/ spirited love making/ techno music/ miscellaneous other banging around at 3AM?! I wonder if the new neighbors will be nearly as entertaining... ? They have big shoes to fill. Shaq sized shoes.

Because I felt like procrastinating homework the other night, I decided to go back and tag my entries, which you can see on that nifty bar to the left - they make my posts look much more interesting than they actually are. My favorites include: guilt ridden orgasms, crack mamas, angela lansbury, happy birthday mr president and you too can be my bitch. Clearly, I'm very deep and profound. Clearly. XP

random update, dance monkey dance

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