Good Friday my @$$!

Mar 26, 2005 20:15

Yes, i hate to burst anyone's bubble, but the so-called holiday "good friday" is flagrant false advertising - let me tell you. My friday was not by any means GOOD. Sub-par at the very best! :( We decided to go drive to the bay area, to visit Pixar Studios, Ikea, and other stuff for the day.... Should have been fun, right? Wrong. Well, some of it was fun (when are our wacky adventures NOT fun?), but it would have been so much better had everything not gone wrong! Arg.

Let's see. I got about 4 hours sleep Thursday night. So I tried to make up for it with coffee... that ended up making me even more anxious/moody/out-of-it. Then, as I was getting ready in the morning, I knocked over a bottle of red nail polish in the bathroom... and it got EVERYWHERE! So I had to clean that up. Then we somehow got lost in Vacaville on the way to S.F. And these damn kids wouldn't get off the little michanical semi-truck thing so I could get a picture of myself in it wearing a trucker hat... And I'm still very bitter about that.

So, we went to Pixar Studios - but they have that place locked up like freakin' NASA! I made up this story to the guard about how I was an animation/communication graphics major at USC (is there such a major?) and that I drove to the studios to find out about a summer internship. But he was a very surly guard and wouldn't let me in... he just gave me cards and pointed me to the pixar website. :( So I didn't get to meet Brad (not that I thought i would meet him, but there was always the dream, right?) So we took some pics and left - but not without drving down San Pablo! :D

So then we go to the mall to get Starbucks... and I lost the parking ticket. So I had to pay the maximum price for parking, even thought we were only using the lot for less than an hour. *smacks self* After that we spent a good couple hours in Ikea - and found some GORGEOUS furnature for the new appartment. Found a corner desk that was IDEAL, but the boxes were so akwardly wide that it wouldn't fit into the car... *sigh* so I guess we have to go back with a van or a u-haul or something. Feh.

My mood got much better after dinner: we stopped at the Fairfield mall for eats (NOT at SmorgasBob's like *I* wanted! :-P Is that not the best name for a restaurant ever?!), and saw a late showing of "Guess Who." Then kristen and I rocked out & sang along to various "in-joke" songs on the long drive home. (We hooked up the iPod to the car stereo and Kristen DJed the tunes.)

Just got back from a birthday dinner at PF Chang's and now I'm so wasted tired... not motivated to do ANYTHING tonight except be lazy!! And I've had that "Jerk it Out" song stuck in my head all day... 'cause It's eazy when you know how it's done. EASY! When you jerk it out!!!

Oh, and HAPPY EASTER, y'all! :D

Today's Quote of the Day: "A petrie dish of estrogen is more manly than Mike!" - ME (not you Max, a different Mike! I know far too many Mikes.)

pixar, smorgasbobs, geekfest

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