Saturday Night Thunderbolt

Mar 06, 2005 19:23

Well, last night was a rare treat of random entertainment! Let me just re-cap the highlights of Kristen and I's (mis)adventure:

• Apparently preppy blond & red haired chicks loudly rocking out to 1980s butt-rock music in a little red car is not as noteworthy as I would have origionally thought... I had my Def Leppard CD in my car, since I had a big speech this week, and as many of you know I play DL to get me pumped before any big tests or projects (don't laugh!). Anyhoo, Kristen and I decided to open the sun roof, roll down all the windows, BLARE "Pour Some Sugar On Me" and sing along with it as we drove from the Elephant Bar to the movie theater. We didn't get many wierd stares or shout outs... :( I curse the fact that I didn't have a Whitesnake CD with me.... I'm sure "Here I Go Again" WOULD have solicited the appropriate response! Next time, next time...

• However the lady in the Real Estate car DID seem to like Kristen belting out the ballady "When Love & Hate Collide". Heh heh heh.

• Our hillarious yet probably inappropriate commentary during The Incredibles might have made two unrelated people leave the theater (I guess they didn't like our running jokes about Mr Incredible and Frozone in the "Disco Inferno" (don't ask), and Bob's secret nickname for the Incredobile: "The Big Smooth" :-). I thought it was right hysterical myself. I'm going to compile a list of all the running jokes we have from that single viewing. Kristen, what were some of them?

• K apparently thought she had gained super powers thru osmosis of the movie, for she inexplicably decided to leap the theater seats in a single bound, in a vain attempt to get to the exits first. However, she ended up getting her foot STUCK in the seat instead. "I'm gonna be feeling THAT tomorrow...." Now that was a kodak moment. :D

And the hands-down BEST part of the evening....

• Sitting behind Courtney Love during Meet the Fockers. After the Incredibles adventure, we directly walked into the last showing of Fockers just for the hell of it. We ended up sitting behind this lady, who was all by herself. This chick.... she must have been drunk or high or heavily medicated or SOMETHING, 'cause damn! Through the whole movie she would scream and thrash about in her seat, and laugh at the top of her lungs at random moments.... She would also whip her long hair around at us. At one point, K said, "My God, it's like sitting behind Courtney Love!" So from that moment on we refered to her as Courtney. As wierd as she was, she did provide cheap entertainment!!

I still think we should've offered Courtney a ride home, but she would probably have thrashed the hell out of my appolstry and gotten her lipstick everywhere. I sincerely hope the woman wasn't driving.... It's a long way back to Seattle.

Okay, enough goofing off, I really need to start laundry and finish my homework...

wow!, 1980s buttrock, courtney love

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