Did you know that high heels are used as a form of punishment for shoplifting in some countries?

Feb 17, 2005 20:01

I've had American Hi Fi's "The Geeks Get the Girls" stuck in my head all day.... "Tonight, tonight, he's gonna get it right, even losers can get lucky sometimes..." ahhhh, I love it; it's a perfect song with which to get funky. XD I think American Hi Fi has a new CD coming out in mid-March... I am so all over that!

I went downtown yesterday to watch oral arguments to the 3rd Circuit Court of Appeals, for preparation for our final oral arguments in 2 weeks. The arguments themselves were pretty interesting; we lucked out and got an entertaining issue (involving prostitution, heh heh). But I also realized why I hate, HATE going downtown... I drove around the courthouse at least 5 times and there is NO WHERE to park. I ended up using a parking building 4 blocks away. And it was raining.

Which brings me to my next rant... How the HECK do women in big cities like New York walk around all day in heels?! Sweet Odin's raven, my feet were KILLING me after only 2 blocks! And do you know how many times I almost tripped, whilst dodging puddles of water? And I consider myself atheletic and pretty well coordinated ("don't ever question my skills because my skills are honed!").

But I got hooted at by two separate hobos, so that makes it all okay. I was a little disappointed that the bum with teret's syndrome wasn't around yesterday.. he's always a delight. ;-)

I really want to go to emeryville this weekend and stalk visit Pixar Studios. And go to IKEA. And see "Hitch."

Oh, one more thing, because I'm feeling saucy: Reason not to piss off a girl.. Especially one that has embarassing pictures of you... Thar be Mike in all his GLORY:

We were goofing off a while back, and he decided to put on my bra and sing "Happy Birthday, Mister President." Heh heh, I am so evil.... >:-) Wonder how long it'll take before he sees this and freaks? Happy Valentines Day, indeed. :P

happy birthday mr president, heels = satan?, dance monkey dance

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