Moral of the story: Revenge is a dish best served piping hot in your enemy's lap!

Jan 11, 2005 22:58

For those of you who asked me about the "Stabbing Hobo" incident... Here's what went down: You see, I was cornered in a dark alley by the hobo. So I pulled out a switchblade, did a stylized fight-dance, and sung a glorious number about sharks... No, wait, that’s Chino from West Side Story... :-O

Okay, here's what really happened (trust me it's not as exciting as I'm making it out to be): For the past week I've been trying to buy a certain coveted item off eBay. This item shall remain nameless (as I wish to keep my raging GEEKINESS hidden behind my trendy exterior ;-). When I started there were 4 of this particular item up for bid on eBay, but despite that, I think it's a semi-rare item. WHich is why I didn't want to write about it here at first, because I didn't want to attract unwanted attention from other fangirls/boys.

So, anyway, I noticed that one person had bid on all of these 4 items, separately. So I outbid him. Then he outbid me. So I decided to play it smooth and wait til the bid ended, swoop in, and outbid him last minute. I failed miserably; he outbid me with freaking 2 seconds left! I was pissed, but I figured I could get one of the others (if this guy won one, why would he need THREE more?!). HA HA HA! Right. The same bastard outbid me AGAIN the next 2 times I tried (the last time was my own fault, I waited TOO long to hit the bid button).

Then I called a friend to vent my frustrations and we made up some various nicknames for this eBay outbidding whore (my new arch-nemsis!) -- "The Stabbin' Hobo" just stuck. Anyhoo, at this point in the game, there was only 1 "item" left and I had been beaten not once, not twice, but thrice by this guy! The going price for the "item" had steepened dramatically, but I didn't care -- The "Stabbin' Hobo" made it personal! (FYI: I hate, hate, HATE to lose!) So I strategized & did a little recon. Long story short: I emerged victorious, with seconds left on the clock. And boy he put up a fight to the very end; the hobo's a trooper, I'll give him that.

Anyway. Yeah, I told you it wasn't exciting. *shrug* But this gave me a few extra minutes to put off Property homework. :D Jeez, an eBay war, my life is so boring these days...


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