McDonalds, Anyone??

Jan 08, 2005 19:23

Not everyone is aware of this, but the Big Mac was invented in 1958 by Ray Kroc in Peoria, IL. He had the idea in the stockroom of his flagship store, during a guilt-ridden orgasm ( Read more... )

woe-fest, guilt ridden orgasms, strange but true

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soulmates cllort January 9 2005, 04:24:10 UTC
You know, I go back and forth on that one. I used to think no, using that old standard logic of "what if my soulmate is on the other side of the world". Although I was a religious person, I didn't think God/Supreme Being/Creator/Whatever you call Him, took the time to match up each individual with someone else. But the more I think about it (ie. older I get) the more I warm up to the idea that there is indeed one person out there for each person. What if that person is on the other side of the world? Then one of you is destined to travel to the other's side at some point. The happy and successful marriages/relationships that I've seen are all couple where the two people really do seem like soulmates.

Mind you, I'm not saying you should assume that guy from your past is your soulmate. I advocate proactiveness in reltionships, but I also think things work out naturally on their own when they are meant to be, and fall apart or never happen when they aren't meant to be. Suppose it was destiny... jk.

Btw, where did you score the BTTF red Nikes?!?

And is it wrong that I'm an Edna fan? "Luck favors the prepared."


Re: soulmates missnickers January 9 2005, 08:55:22 UTC
Thanks for the input. I totally agree; I think it takes both fate and a certian amount of proactiveness (is that a word?) to match up with The One at the right time. But the question is exactly how much do you leave to fate and how much do you actively pursue? Too much or too little of either could conceivably screw up the whole thing. I feel like I've been leaving it all up to destiny, believing that The One will come and knock me off my feet, and I'll just *know*. Ugh, see that's the problem with watching those damned BTTF movies so many times -- they've given me these jaded views on love at first sight! :-P

I'm mostly dwelling on this now because I'm scared of being alone or "settling" and never being truly happy like I was. But... I'm probably just PMSing or something. Time will tell, I guess. If it's meant to be, it'll happen. And I won't close myself off next time. He's with someone else now, and I'm not going to try and break that up for something I'm not completely sure of; I'd be a complete jerk if I did. Plus, for all I know, he's happier with her.

On a lighter note, the Nikes: I got them from about a year or so ago, so I'm not sure if they still have them.... Unfortunately :( But I've seen them around in various Footlocker stores, every now and then. And at The Finnish Line (I don't know if you guys have that store in the East).

Dude, Edna rocks!! Her "cape" speach was one of my absolute favorite parts! And the "Go! Fight! Win!" part! :D


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