Fun. Scary. Wierd. Fast. Big.

Jan 04, 2005 12:41

Okay, I'm making with my promise to post a photo-log of the New Years/Disneyland/L.A. trip. If you get bored, just click that 'back' button... And here we go:

First, this is for all you BTTF fans out there! Awwyeah! Kristen and I decided to pop by the infamous McFly house from Back to the Future for a photo op. Recognize the pose? There's an amusing story behind this, but I'll condense it: basically the owner of the house came home as we were taking pictures... busted! Kristen wanted to haul ass outta there, but I "smooth talked" the guy. Heh. He's actually really cool and let us take all the pics we wanted, plus recounted a few stories from the filming. We're like this --><-- now. :D

Here's an extreme closeup of Kristen (aka "Special K" ;) and I in line for the Matterhorn. See, it had rained all flippin' morning, and this was the moment the sun decided to peek it's big yellow head out. It didn't rain after that for the rest of the trip, THANKGOD!

See! Rain! Eww!

Cuz I'm sure you're all DYING to know, this is what Disneyland looks like when the clock is about to strike midnitght on New Years. Lots of crowds & unwanted body-contact...

Me and K right before the infamous countdown.

I got mine! XD You don't want to know what I had to go thru to get this picture! But I got it AND I survived with most limbs in tact! Hell yeah! Is it sad that this moment was the highlight of the trip for me?? (On a side note, it was colder than a mo-fo outside, thus the puffy down vest.)

The love that cannot be named. K took this pic of me and a stuffed Mr. Incredible doll (affectionately named "Little i") in the middle of the night. She turned on the light, saw him next to me, laughed, and thus the picture. "Little i" became our unofficial trip mascot. :D God, I am such a dork....

Us gals with Santa. He was okay with us sitting on his lap, but for some reason he was skittish about us pulling on his beard. Go figure.

This pic was taken for Mike. Ahhh, toilet humor... the sign sez "Best weiner in a supporting role," heh heh. Almost as good as the "I got crabs" sign, eh, Mike???

And that's it for the moment.... We have like 100 pics, but I've already wasted too much perfectly good space.

picture spam, geekfest, disneyland

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